Our Services
Our team of consultants and construction managers provides a wide range of services for you. We provide consulting services to guide you gently in the right direction and assist you in gaining the most cost-efficient work scope or maintenance plan. We carry out top-to-bottom inspections of the complex when needed, followed by development of a complete scope. We write detailed specifications, conduct bid walks, receive bids and provide bid analysis and recommendations to the decision-makers at the property. Once the project is approved and decisions are made, we commence the construction management phase of work by leading and/or coordinating contract negotiations with the chosen contractors, followed by vigilant project management of the project work. We will oversee an already-identified or desired project scope -- for example, a re-siding, re-roofing, deck replacement, asphalt or painting project -- by writing specifications, obtaining bids, negotiating contracts, and managing the project through to completion and cleanup. As an independent third party, our construction management team will monitor all aspects of your project, while maintaining a single point of contact for the Association and its membership.
If you are planning a repair, renovation, reconstruction, or re-roofing project, a good construction management consultant will pay for himself lowering project costs for the owner by writing a detailed project work scope and specifications, creating a competitive bidding process, negotiating strong contracts, and minimizing extra work or “change order” costs. A good balance of independent, third-party quality control, cost and schedule monitoring by our construction management team will be invaluable to your project’s overall success and the protection of your valuable assets!
And, if a special assessment is necessary for your Association, we will educate the membership and guide the Board through the difficult process of gaining approval for the project through “town hall” meetings, PowerPoint presentations, and newsletters. Our reputation in these difficult situations speaks for itself.
Generally, we divide our work into two phases: “Project Development & Consulting” and “Project Execution & Management.” Below are some of the services we provide during each phase:

Project Development, Specification Writing & Consulting
- Provide project development consulting, helping HOAs to prioritize repair elements
- Manage and oversee of destructive testing and/or site investigations to help develop a detailed work scope
- Develop detailed project specifications, using various written and visual means to assure bidders that they are bidding on a “level playing field,” enabling them to bid the work more aggressively
- Work with architects, engineers, and contractors where needed to develop specific design criteria
- Write evaluation reports for various building components upon request
- Review reserve studies for accuracy and real-time data for planning purposes
- Solicit bids from contractors and provide bid evaluations/analyses
- Provide recommendations regarding contractor choices, final work scope and budgeting, and coordination of interviews with prospective contractors, as needed.
- Guide and educate members of the Association through potential special assessment processes

Project Execution and Construction Management
- Contract preparation and negotiations, pre-project planning and coordination of project mobilization and commencement, including review of appropriate material documentation submittals and resident notices from the contractor
- Stewardship of homeowners before and during the project work
- Regular updates and communication with HOA Board and property manager regarding project progress and schedule compliance
- Timely response to requests for Information from contractor(s)
- Management of cost controls, negotiation and administration of change order requests
- Schedule compliance management
- Inspections of work, quality control, and progress payment reviews and verifications
- Coordination of permit sign-offs through the contractor(s) performing work
- Obtainment of lien releases and warranties from contractors and manufacturers
- Development and administration of punch lists at project closeout
- Preparation of project archive folders and/or binders with all project documents, warranties, insurance certificates, and photo/document CDs or DVDs for client archives at the completion of all work
Throughout all phases of our work, we maintain communication with management and the HOA Board, keeping them apprised of our progress, and -- helping them to know what to expect. We have a consistent reputation for bringing projects to successful completion, on time and within budget.
One important aspect of our service involves archiving project documentation and information. We mitigate the struggle HOAs often have of providing at close-out an electronic archive of photos and documents of projects by providing this information in CD or DVD format that are clearly labeled by project, scope of work, and date, for clear and easy future reference -- an invaluable tool after the contractors are cleaned up and gone.
Please take a look at some of our project work on the Project Showcase page of our site. You may have similar work that is needed, and we’d love to help.