Arbor Glen 1 HOA
San Jose, CA
November 2007
99 townhome units with 25 detached garage buildings of various sizes
Upon consideration of various single-ply vinyl roofing system products by the Board of Directors, created project scope and specification manual with two optional materials for reroofing, solicited bids from multiple roofing contractors, reviewed bids and created project budget. Oversaw contractor during work, provided quality control inspections and coordination of homeowner issues, ensured warranty compliance, and provided Board and property manager with detailed project summary package at completion of project with CDs of project photos.
Reroofing of 25 garage roofs with Duro-Last Single-Ply Roofing System.
Corporate Office:
521 Charcot Avenue, Suite 203
San Jose, CA 95131
Tel: 408.922.0262
Fax: 408.922.0267